Novel: pron. (Nov'el)
- defined: adj. of a new
kind or nature; not known before; strange;
- derived: from the latin novellus
a diminutive of novus meaning "new".
- spelled: suspiciously similar to Novell
®, a trademark of Novell, Inc.
Network Server-side Configuration
For Novel Client to automatically sense the settings for your network,
your local network administrator will need to set up some or all of the
following: an SLP DA server, a DHCP server which hands out vendor option 15
and Novell specific options 78, 79, 85, 86, and 87, also a DNS server which
resolves the names of fileservers to their IP address and the treename to an
IP address of an NDS server in that tree.
If these services are configured on your network then Novel Client for Linux
can automatically obtain the correct settings when you click on the
auto-config button on the Advanced, Settings tab.
Consult the Novell web site for information on how to install and enable
each of these services on your NetWare network.
There are two ways to install Novel Client: using the
included setup shell script, or by performing all the
necessary steps manually. The manual install may appeal to
you for various reasons, especially if you run a distribution
which is not supported by the script. However, most
distributions which are based on a recent Redhat or Debian
should probably work. The instructions that follow were
originally written for Redhat Linux 7.x. Also, the instructions below were written for early versions of Novel Client
so they may not be complete for the newest version. If you must install manually, you can examine the latest setup script to see
what steps are necessary then make any appropriate
adjustments for your distribution.
- The Novel Client uses the ncpfs package to establish
NCP connections so install it from the RPMS directory of
the Redhat CD set. Currently the version that Redhat
distributes lists the ipxutils package as a dependency so
you will need to install that first.
If you wish for non-root users to be able to use Novel
Client then set the suid bit for ncpmount, ncpumount, and
- Logon as root and at the shell prompt type:
- 'chmod +s /usr/bin/ncpmount'
- 'chmod +s /usr/bin/ncpumount'
- 'chmod +s /usr/bin/slist' (only necessary if you
will use ipx)
- Note that setting any program suid could
conceivably open a security hole.
- At one time there was a Denial of Service exploit
that could be run against a suid ncpmount, but at the
time of this writing I know of no security advisories
related to the latest versions of the ncpfs utilities
being set suid.
- Untar the novelclient-0.xx.tar.gz file. It will create
a directory called "novelclient" containing all the
projects files.
- Copy the binary "Novel" and the shellscript
"novelclient" to a location on the users path.
'/usr/local/bin' is suggested.
You will also need to copy the libraries to an accessible
place for the binary to work.
'/usr/local/lib/kylix2' is suggested.
- So copy the and libraries there.
- Also copy the soft links and to the same location or recreate the links
like this:
- cd /usr/local/lib/kylix2
- ln -s
- ln -s
- Edit the novelclient shell script so that
LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to where you copied the kylix
- Edit the novelclient shell script to run Novel from
where you copied the binary.
- Both of those edits are unnecessary if you accepted
the suggested locations.
The Novel Client allows you to make NCP connections over
IP or IPX. You can also configure your system to use both
then choose between them at run-time.
If you want to use IP there are some conditions that must be
met. Most importantly, your system must already be correctly
configured to network using IP. Host address, subnet mask,
default gateway, DNS servers, etc. must all be configured
correctly for your environment. Consult your network admin if
you don't know what these values should be, and consult your
system admin if you don't know how to enter this information
in your Linux system.
- In order to make NCP connections over IP you must be
running Netware 5.x or 6. FlexIP or Netware 4's NWIP is not
- Second, you must have IP bound on the server. Load
INETCFG at your server console to do that.
In addition, to automatically list fileservers in the
drop down box you must be running the SLP Directory Agent
on one or more of the Netware 5.x or above servers.
- Load the directory agent on the Netware server
using the console command 'SLPDA'. Once it is loaded
and the SLP service agents on the fileservers have
registered with it then the Novel Client should be able
to find the directory agent and ask it for the list of
The SLP directory agent must be running somewhere
that the client can find it through multicast.
- If the DA is on your local subnet then there
will be no problem, but
- If the DA is located on the other side of a
router then the router must be configured to
forward multicasts. This includes routers for
dialup connections or VPN's.
Also, for the client to find the DA through multicast
you must have a route set on your local Linux box to
the multicast network.
- This must be done as root: 'route add -net netmask dev eth0'.
- You can add the command to /etc/rc.d/rc.local
to make it permanent.
- However, if you know the address of the DA then you
may enter it manually and no multicast is needed.
Therefore, no routes would need to be configured on the
routers or the local machine. Multicasting to find a DA
is merely a convenience for the end users.
- Note: Novel Client for Linux has currently not been
tested in an environment using named scopes.
- However, you do not need SLP to make connections.
It is only to provide an automatically generated list
of fileservers in a drop down list for your
convenience. But you can just type the name of the
server in the box if you know what it is.
- Last but not least, the server names must be resolvable
to IP addresses. So add them into your DNS database or
alternately to your local /etc/hosts file.
- The /etc/hosts file method will require a line for
each Netware server and normally contains three parts
separated by spaces or tabs:
- The servers IP address, eg.
- The servers fully qualified host name, eg.
- Any aliases you want to use for the FQHN, eg.
- Be sure to enter this information in the
correct format. Read a TCP/IP tutorial if you need
more information.
NCP connections over IP seem to be more reliable. This is
probably due to the way IPX auto configures itself. You may
have a quite a mix of equipment on your network including
Macintosh using SNAP frames or NAS servers that emulate
Netware 3.x using the old 802.3 frametype. TCP/IP uses
Ethernet II frametype and Netware currently uses 802.2. So
when IPX tries to configure itself or reconfigure after a
dropped connection, it may become confused trying to
determine the correct interface, frametype, network number,
and routes. It almost always get it right, but when it
doesn't it can be frustrating.
- To make NCP connections using IPX you will need to
install the ipxutils package in addition to the ncpfs
- Look for the appropriate rpm on your Redhat install
As root type 'ipx_interface add -p eth0 802.2' to bind
IPX to the the ethernet card.
- You may need to change the frametype to '802.3' if
you support Netware 3.11 or earlier servers.
- 'EtherII' (sometimes) or 'SNAP' (not very often)
are other frametypes that may be used for IPX at your
- You can bind multiple frametypes if necessary but
the -p parameter (primary) may only be specificed
- Under Redhat, you can add this line to your
/etc/rc.d/rc.local file to automatically bind IPX each
time you boot.
- Under Debian, you will need to create this file and
set it to run at boot. Consult the Debian documentation
to learn how.
- If you experience problems with slist then you might
try explicitly setting the network and node addresses as
well. Check the man page for syntax.